Saturday, May 29, 2010


dalam bnyk2 tarikh aku takot aku lupa tarikh neh....
dats y nak letak kat bl0g biar ingt...
2 tah0n from n0w...
aku nak gak tgk sehebat mane ko neh...
xpyh la nak ckp besar kat aku en...
dlm 2 3 ari lg ko bakal lupa ape ko ckp beb...
tp aku ske ngn ko...
sbb ko de confidence level yg tinggi...
ape ko makan ea?
bg r taw aku leh gne mase debate
aku da la x ske debate
hurmm...ko rase aku jumpe ko lg ke nak bet2 ngn aku untk 2 tahon 2??
tlg r weh...we both know the fact that ko ne mcm mane..
ari neh kate merah, esok kate biru...lusa warne laen lak
org kate some girls tukar b0yfriend cam tuka baju
nak ckp kerap la tu
tp tuka baju generaly sehari sekali
x la often mane
ade lak kate cam tukar tisu
eleh, tuka tisu mase nanges je
xde r kerap mane en?
tp untk ko aku rase special cket
ko tuka pempuan same cam mandi...
ko ayt pempuan same mcm ko wat normal conversation
as if xde pape...
normal in terms of ko ckp org dgr
dlm ko nye hal lak...
ko ckp, org sangkot, trima
at the end pe jadi...
ko neh baek senanye...
dats y r aku ske je kwn ngn ko...
well, aku xsaba nak tunggu 2 tahon
kte tgk at last sape yg betol..
bak kate ko 'setiap benda ade yang first time'
but i'll sh0w u that this isn't my first time of being right
till then, kte wait n see.
kalo ko menang pon kre aku da set kan rek0d plg lame untk ko
but sygnye aku xde duit peruntukan untk beli tisu
s0, aku xkan kalah pada ko beb.
wait n see..

1 comment:

  1. last word..'wait n c.' hoho...mcm laki bini lak aku tgk..xpe2.haaha


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