Wednesday, June 24, 2009

bodo ape je

i'm not suppose to love you

i'm not suppose to care

i'm not suppose to live my life

and wishing that you would be there

i'm not suppose to wonder where you are

or what you do

but most of all that i shouldn't do

is to love you more than i should do

sedeyh banget ni

waaaaa....dafi men gitar memekak nyanyi lagu2 yang menusuk jiwa aku.

has plak jadi interpretor...aduyai. ini satu penghinaan.

=p nak je aku hempok laki dafi 2 (gitar dye) naseb baek la kasih sayang mengatasi segalanye...cewah.

sayang dafi ok??

fatin nyanyi lagu2 yang perli2 aku. waaaa...nak cabot braces fatin nih...!!!

kepade cik mardiyah...get up and ikot mereka makan di luar.



i don't know everything yet i know something...but i don't want to be part of it anymore

t0ken of my appreciation

waaa....bangun lambat. ape tah aku wat penat sangat semalam....actually there is something that i need to post here yesterday but due to being exhausted, so i postponed it till today. haha... i have this friends of mine. he's soo0 sweet. really. though i have my own clique but he's something different. a true friend. he's there whenever i needed him the most. s0, i'm here today to say thank you for everything.

thank you ikhwan

pst...adik2 sume, abang ni single lagi baek plak 2 cepat2 hu3 ^^

nba the clique

kami xjadi separate...and kepade mereka yang salah tanggapan terhadap nBa, keje kitorang bukan mengumpat orang kayh...

betol ke aku ni ice-queen??

survey nih....

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