Monday, June 22, 2009

to my ex~nBa

actually aku syg gler kat korang...maybe aku xrety nak tunjuk, or behave towards it in a right way but still aku syg gler kat korg. aku benci gler kalo org luar sebok2 hal kte. that's why aku melenting kadang2 ble ade org2 luar cmpor tangan hal kte. seyez aku maksudkan ble aku ckp 'i got ur back'.

maybe aku bias ble ade problem antare kte. but lawyers is either black or white. like it or not i have my perspective. i have my side. walaupun aku xpenah plan nak futher into law senanye. cwh!

1 week aku xde, aku da pk pasal hal nih. and, aku rase korg sume perhaps x perlukan kehadiran aku. so, officially aku tarik diri dari clique nih. and, for those yang rase aku ni ice-queen, xde heart feelings lansung, nih aku turunkan ego aku nak wat public appologies untuk sume nba.

sorry sgt2 aku burukkan keadaan n xmemahami. memang betol aku xbagi korg 'audi alteram partem' at first. but aku pun xdapat peluang tu jgk. so, i think we're even. aku anggp sume yang aku post adalah mark of history. so, sorry jgk aku xplan nak padam. maybe one day ble korg da lupe that i was once a part of you guys, only then you can look back at the mark of history. sorry.


  1. I wish only the best for u.. I always pray that you will be fine and happy.. Listen.. you still have friends that love you..

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