some says that staying, is strong. but i say leaving is stronger. ntah nape je aku menagrut nih xtaw la. kenape ye? whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. kepada lela and tokyo yang sangat la menggemari hobi komen-mengumen blog aku nih. aku x jiwang ea. aku just type, jari ni gerak sendiri aku bace je pe dye type (alasan bodo...hahaha)
chenta? klaka plak aku dengar perkataan tu. nape ea? maybe aku xpenah rase kan, so aku anggap ni crap. kne kat batang idung aku baru padan mke (choi! xmo2...kate ice-queen)
alah...penah je aku nges cam bodo dulu. atas name chenta yang senanye aku sendiri xsure wujud x untuk aku (sumpah malu type nih, tapi memandangkan urat malu da putos, aku pon teruskan type)
nak taw, de la mereka2 yang berpendapat true love is when you shed a tear, and still want him, it's when he ignore you but you still love him, when he loves another and you would say "i'm happy when you're happy" but yet, all you do is cry
peh, aku xtaw la nak describe ape tu. blind? please la, bazir air mata je. kesian la kat diri sendiri weyh... (gle jahat mulut aku) i used to believe it. so, i've went through and i believe i deserve the right to talk about it. sumpah ble ingat balik terase cam xde otak plak. hahaha
aku po xtaw pe je yang aku nak sampaikan senanye. go with the flow je la nampaknye. ape lagi ea? oh, ntah la ble kwn2 aku tny knp x couple or knp xde minat sesape. aku just nak cakap "i don't deserve to get hurt again" (cewah, cam skema jawapan la plak) emosi minah nih. maluu siot!
kadang2 cean aku tgk mereka2 nih...separuh mati la ske kat someone, or love as they said i don't know tapi orang tu xhargai pon. ok2 fine, agak xfair jgk aku cakap nih. perasaan ne leh dipakse. tapi akal boleh fikir. lebeyh baek la kte hargai orang yang sayangkan kte daripade kte yang terhegeh2 nak kat orang tu. bazir mase, duit n air mate.
learn from mistakes...sesetengah orang lembut aty sgt ke..?? puhleeezzz....tu, aku xnak la tulis panggil ape kn. melampau plak nanty. hu3. apahal plak ngan aku mlm nih?
ReplyDeleteayat ape ko merepek kt atas ni
tokyo ngan lela tu bile je hobi diorang tak stalker..hahaha
sadis ak bace luahan kate ko..hehe
tu la len kali jgn bzir air mate uk lelaki!!!
hehe,, dz is when da bad farha is talking,,,
ehh,, tp memg farha hates boys kan,,hehehe
so kisah pe ak..
hahaha. amelia2..
ReplyDeletelove is essential but it depends 2 us on how 2 cope it
ReplyDeletenah...memang nak kne lempang farha nih...
ReplyDeletelearn from mistakes...sesetengah orang lembut aty sgt ke..?? puhleeezzz....tu, aku xnak la tulis panggil ape kn. melampau plak nanty. hu3. apahal plak ngan aku mlm nih?
ReplyDeletecam aku jek! ni yang aku terasa ag nie.. waaa! but ice queen, listen! listen very carefully!! aku rasa dah bpe kali aku dah ckp bnda ni kau ntah aku pun xegt ag.. may be love is hurt. the more u love the more hurt will u get. but that makes u more mature and be stronger. by keep doing that u'll know to diffrntiate a good guy or not; perfect guy for u or not. criuz, one fine day u'll meet the one which is 'icy' like urself then u'll never want that particular guy walkaway with other girl! then u'll hurt again. jgn lah ttup minda ko 2.. t yang sakit ko gak.. remember mse ko terluka dlu aku yang nmpak cmner sktnye.... i love beb i dont wanna see that tears anymore. know what. semua kekecewaan aku yang ko nmpk slama ni worth it, i found perfect guy 4 me.. im sure bout it, cuma skrg bergatung pada kuasa Yang Berada Di Atas.
nah...hahaha. listen ke beb? patotnye suwoh aku bace lak...hahaha
love is a waste of time
ReplyDeletemy kumen is:
ReplyDeleteamel jiwang jgak. xkre2!
kalo ko sayang lg jari2 ko yang menaip itu...lebey baek ko diam kan mereka jgn bagi merayap ats keyboard